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치킨 구이 [Cedar Planked]

치킨 오븐 구이

Cedar Planked Chicken The Oven


레몬과 허브 등 추가

Putting a grilling plank under your chicken as it bakes in the oven is the easiest way to add lots more flavor to your bird with minimal effort. This recipe calls for halving the chicken before roasting. Leaving the bird whole works well too, especially when it’s stuffed with lemons and herbs.

Makes 4 Servings
Soak Time: 1 or more hours
Prep Time: 20 minutesCook Time: 1 to 1½ hours


1 Whole chicken or 2 Cornish Game Hens
1 Bunch of fresh thyme
1 shallot, sliced
1 Lemon, sliced
Salt + Pepper


Soak grilling plank for at least one hour, making sure it’s completly submerged.

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Make a bed of lemons, herbs and shallot on your soaked plank, then put it in a baking dish.

Cedar Planked Chicken in the oven

Rinse your chicken and remove the giblets, cut in half and pat dry. Liberally salt and pepper the chicken.  Place on the soaked plank. Place in the oven.

Cedar Planked Chicken in the oven

*In the oven your planked dish will steam, but it should not smoke.

Roast in the oven for 1 to 1½ hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 165ºF. Take out and let rest for 5 minutes before serving

Cornish Game in the oven





1: 11.75″ x 5.25″ Outdoor Gourmet Grilling Plank. Soaked in water for 1-2 hours before using.

1 bunch of fresh asparagus

Juice of 2 fresh lemons (approx. 3-4 tablespoons)

1 tsp. fresh lemon zest

3-4 TBS. extra virgin olive oil

Coarsely ground salt and pepper

First: Wash and trim asparagus. Mix lemon juice and olive oil. In a shallow pan or bowl, toss asparagus gently with lemon juice and olive oil to coat.

Second: Arrange asparagus spears in one layer on wet plank. Apply ground, coarse salt and pepper to taste.

Then: Place plank on medium heat grill. Close lid and cook for about 10 min. or until crisp and tender. Check every few minutes. If flare-ups occur douse flames with spray water bottle.

Finally: When done cooking, remove from heat and sprinkle with fresh lemon zest. Serve from plank or from a serving platter.

Cedar Plank SALMON with Orange, Maple and Cardamom Glaze

Cedar Plank SALMON with Orange, Maple and Cardamom Glaze


Orange Cardamom Cedar Plank Salmon

Total Time: 20 Minuets
Serves: 4


1 Outdoor Gourmet cedar plank
1 lb. Fresh Salmon
1/3 c. maple syrup
½ orange, sliced
1 tbs. ground Cardamom
¼ c. cup water

Cedar Plank Salmon Ingrediants

1.Soak grilling plank in water for at least one hour, making sure it’s fully submerged.

2. Preheat grill to 400ºF.

3. To make glaze, combine the maple syrup, cardamom and water in a small saucepan. Squeeze the orange juice into the pan and add the rind. Bring this mixture to a boil for 1 minute and remove from the heat.

Orange Maple Cardamom Glaze

4. Place the salmon on the cedar plank and season with salt and pepper.

5. Place the plank on the grill and liberally brush on some of the glaze and close the lid.

Cedar Planked Salmon

6. Continue to brush the salmon every two minutes until the salmon is cooked, this will take 10-12 minutes. Remove the plank from the grill and serve immediately.

Cedar Plank Salmon