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100% ECO Friendly!! GRILLING PLANKS!!

아웃도어고메는 저렴한 중국산 나무를 전혀 취급하지 않습니다.아웃도어고메의 모든 제품은 100% 천연이며 100% 무농약 입니다.  아웃도어고메는식품 안전의 최고 수준을 보장하기 위해 모든 장비에 식품 등급의 윤활제를 사용합니다. 노스웨스트 깊은 산속의 나무들만 엄선하여 화학 첨가제를 전혀 쓰지않고 생산됩니다.
Our Guarantee: All of our Grilling Products are free of any chemical additives. We use food grade lubricants on all our equipment to ensure the highest standards of food safety. When purchasing anything that will come in contact with the food you will place before your family and friends, you should consider how it is manufactured. Outdoor Gourmet is a family business. Our promise to you is that we wouldn’t send you anything we wouldn’t use for our own family.

All Natural Stamp-265x265

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Cedar, Alder, Cherry, Maple, Hickory, Red oak

all about grilling plank OUTDOOR GOURMET ®


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